Just under a month ago you may remember me saying I'd bought this book and was relishing reading through it! Well I finished it the other day and the verdict?...
I LOVED it! I didn't want to put the book down, so much so it was a little sad when it came to the end, haha! Here's a bit of a rundown of some of the topics covered in the book that I enjoyed learning... *If you really don't want to know because you want to read it first then please look away now...*
From Angela's meticulous research, one thing's for certain - you really do learn a lot about Kate Moss' history, her background, where she grew up, how she was discovered and how she discovered the world of fashion and the fun and creativity behind dressing up, dressing down and behind the lens!
As you read through you find out more and more about the influential figures that she has met, lived with, grown up with and is still friends with to this day - from her everlasting friendship with hairdresser James Brown to even her famous relationships with Johnny Depp and Pete Doherty...
It's unbelievable to think her career began at the sweet age of 14! Kate's face even then caught many an eye and since then the fashion industry, photographers and designers alike haven't looked back...
My favourite thing about this read is that you get a real insight into Kate's very own flair, passion for fashion and eye for a bargain/special and rare pieces. Shopping and looking around for the right outfit seem to come to her like a sixth sense which I find both enviable and admirable!
I certainly have realised that she has a very strong sense of style, no matter how many labels she could or supposedly should wear, she certainly has no fear of standing out of the crowd and damn straight - she's a reason for us ladies to be proud to be British!
As a result she's become the ultimate style icon of our time, she has set numerous trends and I highly suspect she will do for years to come, despite her career nearly spanning 20 years, she shows no sign of fading, tiring or even really ageing!
And equally she's became a muse for many a photographer, fashion designer and label, and of course someone we all look to when dressing ourselves - her influence is everywhere even if you don't realise it. She wore leggings just before they hit the catwalk, now you can seem them everywhere all over the highstreet, on every celeb around and in many different sty

Do you remember slouchy suede boots? Yup, she began that trend since she wore them on a night out and got snapped in them. I remember having a pair myself a few years ago and I had no idea it was Kate who propelled them to the popularity that they gained!
Angela's book has certainly opened my eyes to how amazing Kate is, I really admire her panache and sense of adventure when it comes to getting dressed. I've certainly always shared her belief that getting dressed is half the fun (if not all the fun!) - I enjoy the getting-ready part to any night out as much as the night out itself!!
If you're at all intimidated that Kate Moss Style might be full of fashion terminology and scary levels of detail that you won't be able to keep up with - don't be! Angela takes you through very gently, naturally and in fact this book has given me a thirst for more fashion books like it! It's really educational without being overwhelming or patronising.
Of course whilst I could talk and wax lyrical about this book in far more detail, I won't because if you haven't read it and want to I'd be spoiling your fun. If you're even slightly tempted to pick this up then I encourage you to give it a go, it's a must for any coffee/bedside table : )
In terms of new reads to get my teeth into, the books I now have my eye on are "What I Wore Today" and "Model As Muse" and well all many others in between because each time I go into Foyles I can't help myself haha!

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