I kept noticing the name Bat For Lashes fly around for about a year and every time I heard it mentioned I'd think about how unusual it was, but nonetheless an awesome name! But I still wasn't sure if I'd heard her material or not...
A few weeks ago I saw an article with pictures of a beautiful singer on an elaborately decorated stage and was amazed at the effort that went into her outfit, makeup and even the whole stage rig was amazing. I then found that it was Bat For Lashes herself! But I still hadn't heard her music (and if I had I wasn't sure it was her!). A cool name yes, fantastic fashion definitely, but that doesn't mean I'd necessarily be into her style of music. Lo and behold listening to the radio I had one of those "Whose this?!" moments upon hearing her music and I can FINALLY say that I love this lady's voice, music and style all rolled into one.
One of my favourite tracks of hers is Moon and Moon - it's so beautiful and haunting, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I think that and the track Daniel made me fall in love with her voice for good! I'll definitely be trying to see her live very soon... I'm sure I'll have to form an orderly queue though : )
Here are some of the beautiful snaps from her performance at this year's Glastonbury festival - I hear her outfit was created by Topshop - I think we all agree that she looks gorgeous!...

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