I've been in love with Topshop's clothes for a long time now! Every time I go there, I come away with more and more stuff (or end up trying to when my bank account allows haha). To me they're constantly evolving and developing and I love every effort that goes into their collections.
I went on their website the other day and I must say it's looking very chic at the moment. The overall layout and accompanying photos are all looking gorgeous! I'm particularly fond of the Marianne collection that you can see on there right now. I've a sneaking suspicion it's so named after Marianne Faithfull who's well known for her beautiful sense of style from suede boots to fur coats - very 60s and very sexy!
The Kate Moss A/W 09 collection launched on Thursday and I think it might be her best line yet. There's many items from it I'm adding to my wants list hehe... I'm coveting the fur print bolero top, the flame mesh halter dress and her trophy stud dress...

When I get some cash together I'll be taking a grand trip up to Oxford Circus Topshop - bring on three levels of seventh heaven fashion - I managed to spend FOUR hours in there once... Well it is supposed to be Europe's biggest retail outlet - Mamma mia!