I was tagged by the lovely Georgie from So Full of Twilight... on listing 10 things that make me happy. I couldn't possibly narrow it down to just 10 things of course but in no particular order, these are 10 things that spring to mind right now...
Rules: List 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and link back to the person that tagged you. Then tag 10 other bloggers that brighten your day.
1. Makeup & Beauty - as Georgie said herself, I'm stating the obvious here, but yes, to say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. I love looking at it, buying it, using it on myself and others and I love what can be achieved with it. I love doing makeup on everyone, a lot of my friends and family think they ask too much of me when they ask for advice or ask me to do their makeup. I'd like to officially say here that I love nothing more than doing makeup or helping in whatever way I can in this area - so please, never hesitate to ask!
2. Creativity - very much ties in with the above, but creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. I don't just love being creative with makeup, I love being creative with fashion, in the kitchen, with others and when crafting bits and bobs myself. There's something intensely satisfying that comes from putting a vision into reality, especially with others who share in your vision and help execute it. Nothing or no one can take that away!
3. Inspiring people/places - I love people who inspire me whether it be from the clothes they wear, the attitudes they carry, the work they carry out, to the positivity they pour out and the warmth, kindness and generosity that they're capable of. Plus there's nothing more enriching for the soul than those places in life that we find fill us with hope, joy, awe or inspiration or all four and more... You know where they are, their your havens! There are a few places in the world that I will always return to simply because of the way they make me feel - I love that feeling I get from them and often experience it at sea!
4. My family, boyfriend and friends - this shouldn't really need stating but it's important to me so I will. Where would we be without loved ones?! They celebrate with us when we're winning and pick us up when we're down! I owe so much to them and couldn't, and more importantly wouldn't want to, imagine sharing my life without them. Despite the age gap between my sister and I we get each other so much and she's one of the wisest people I know even though she's only 20. My boyfriend is incredible beyond words. Oh and my little pet hamster, Chloe is the sweetest bundle of awesomeness!
5. Fashion - this one isn't so original as it would probably go on many a girl's list but I have loved it ever since I can remember. I used to be fascinated with my Mum's Vogue magazines when I was little and religiously watched The Clothes Show on TV when it used to air every Sunday. I love being able to play about with it and create new outfits from mixing and matching key items. And I love to read about and watch documentaries on designers to get a little view into their world and the way their minds work!
6. Travel - I haven't been to very many places outside of the UK. In fact, I've only been to Normandy, France and Berlin, Germany! As a result I've got a bit of a travel bug. Not so much that I could pack a bag and roam the world for several months but I could certainly get used to seeing the world one year at a time. I've always promised myself that one day I'll holiday somewhere where the sand is white - I'd love to visit the Maldives and Mauritius at some point. I really want to go to New York and I fell in love with Berlin so much when I went out there a couple of months ago that I'm going back in a couple of months!
7. Coffee - that sounds like I'm an addict but I'm not, honest! In fact I've always made a conscious effort to not drink more than two cups a day as I really don't want to ever get myself into a dependency on caffeine, ha! No nasty withdrawal headaches here, thank you. But yes, a good cuppa goes down a treat, especially over winter. Like some people love nothing more than a lovely cup of tea, I'm a coffee girl myself and love to give myself a coffee moment every day - it perks me up and warms the soul - a little like chicken soup!
8. Fantasy - I love reading stories and watching films that take me places - whether it be the bizarre or the fantastically fictitious. From Alice in Wonderland to vampires, Pan's Labyrinth and much more. Stories of make-believe are often the best medicine for relaxing and getting away from it all in inspiring tales and worlds!
9. Blogging - geeky, isn't it? Without sounding cheesy though, I do love writing, always have done and I think I always will. There's something really satisfying when it comes to sharing and writing about what matters to you - gaining a sense of achievement on completing and publishing an article and it's rewarding when readers stop by, say hi and discuss the articles further or enquire! I also love reading other blogs on fashion, makeup and life in general - the blogging community is so vast and varied now that there's tonnes of bloggers whose work I admire!
10. Being myself - as I've grown up I've realised how important it is to remain true to myself. Don't ever change yourself for anyone - unless of course you want to improve your attitude towards others or make yourself a more considerate person, etc. Self improvement is always great, but never try to appeal to others by being like them or imitating someone else because you feel you're not up to scratch. You're individual and unique, no one is like you and that should be celebrated! You're the best person in the world at being you so do it with style! As Judy Garland said: "Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else" - I think she had it sorted : )
I'd love to tag 10 others, but a lot of the blogger I follow have been tagged already and some may not want to take part which is fine! If you do see this and want to do your very own Happy 101 then of course please go ahead!
Image by 'Simply Dolce'
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