Maintaining and even developing a fitness routine that we can stick to is often quite tricky. There isn't a one-size-fits-all when it comes to exercise. It needs to be fun to be maintained and enjoyed - 'enjoyed' being the key word here, what one person loves another may loathe. Otherwise it becomes as fun as poking your own eyes out with a fork.
Just because your friend loves hitting the gym every evening doesn't mean you should and because you don't you're 'lazy' or 'not getting into the spirit of things'. Not everyone likes to work out in a room full of mirrors stretching as far as the eye can see under the most unflattering lighting in the world. Each to their own as they say.
I've created a list below that isn't exactly revolutionary, but I break down each approach by showing you the plus sides to exercising in this way. So you'll be able to see which methods agree with your attitude and ticks your boxes, e.g. you may work in a very busy environment and like to exercise in private, treating your exercise time as 'you' time away from the madding crowds. So finding a jogging route that's off the beaten track may be more your style. Take a look at the ideas below and see what takes your fancy. It may also get you thinking about other forms of exercise which aren't here but still attract you...
Lose Yourself & Your Troubles: Jogging
For some people I know they love nothing more than to switch off, favourite music in their ears and pummel the tarmac for a good hour or so. It's not just their way of keeping fit and nimble, it's their way of dealing with the world - getting away from it all and coming back refreshed and rejuvenated. For them it's just like a form of meditation and it has been proven that exercise benefits the brain as well as the body!
The great thing about jogging is you really don't have to think that much. No need for inductions, rules or how-to's other than it's probably a good idea to warm up and cool down in between. So it frees your mind to wander, play and digest the day's events, problems and create solutions even if you're not actually thinking about anything in particular. Like sleeping on some things, sometimes your brain works best when it's left to meander and solves problems even while you're not thinking about them!
If you like this approach, then the more private your jogging route the better too. I was lucky when I used to jog I lived in a very remote village with backroads and lanes that wound on for miles often without the disturbance of a car or person in sight! This won't be easy for everyone but let's face it, if you know your town or local area well I'm sure you know some walks, roads or footpaths that are often quiet and out of the way. Just make sure they're safe and if you take this approach in a town or city don't leave the exercise until too late.
Variety is the Spice of Life: The Gym
You may want more range and diversity in your exercise routine in terms of pushing and strengthening different areas of your body. Access to all of the different equipment that strengthen, tone and sculpt your body will all be found in the gym. You'll also get access to professional help as well as all members get full inductions on where everything is, what's available and how to use the equipment onsite. In addition if you fancy the help of a personal trainer to drive you and maintain your routine then this would be a perfect form of exercise for you.
Not only that but you get what you pay for: You can really go to town with the facilities and treat yourself to different varieties of exercise. Some gyms also have pools nearby if you fancy a swim instead. And most if not all have sauners and steam rooms for winding down and detoxing afterwards. So if you like to do it properly and make a full-on ritual of it, the gyms really do tick all of the boxes.
This is however a committed form of exercise. Well, all forms should be but you do pay good money for your membership and the better the range of equipment and facilities the more hefty the fee. Make sure you're positive about joining a gym, ask around and see which ones are the favourites in your area. You don't want to join only to flake out on going after a couple of months and waste all of that cash. For those of you on lower budgets or a bit worried about fitting it in often enough, there are 'Pay As You Go' gyms popping up all over the place now, so do some research and see if one is in your local area...
Sweat it out in front of Your TV: Fitness at Home
I'm now giving DVDs a try since my usual excuse to exercise is "it's too cold outside" Fitness DVDs are great during the winter months because you don't have to trudge to a gym and you have the comfort of knowing that you can stay in indoors and get fit all without leaving the house! There's a great variety of DVDs available now, usually something to suit everyone's tastes no matter what you're in to:
Dance Music
The Ministry of Sound have recently released a fitness DVD "Pump It Up! The Ultimate Dance Workout". It's only £6.98 from Amazon, (that's less than a meal out!) and is crammed full of great dance routines.
Perfect if you like your dance music, but if you're not fussed about the tunes you still get to exercise to something a little different while someone instructs you. The exercises all vary in difficulty and length so you can choose which ones suit your mood and how much you want to be challenged.
Dance Moves & More
"Yoga Booty Ballet" is not just a funny name (in fact the name made me cringe at first), it's actually a really motivating fitness DVD with a twist. It's possibly a little cheesy for some tastes, but this video is great because not only does it guide you through dance routines to keep you fit, but it also teaches you how to pose in various yoga moves, works on your poise and offers meditation techniques.
If that's not enough, not only are there your standard dance routines included, but you can also practice ballet dance moves too - hence the title ; ) This DVD does require you to buy some weights before you get started as some of the exercises will use these.
Get Fit with Friends
Or you could opt for the Wii Fit - this is a bit of a serious investment, but unlike the gym it will only be a one-off payment! Of course if you already have the Wii console then all you need is the game and the Wii Fit Board - however it's a lot of serious investment if you don't have the console, in this case costing you around £200!
But the great advantages you get with the Wii Fit is that you can get fit with friends and family adding to the fun and could help you commit to a routine if you feel you need the additional motivation of extra company! You can practise and perfect yoga moves, aerobics, build your strength and balance.
Who Said it had to Feel Like a Chore?: Dance Classes
More and more people are turning to dance as their ultimate choice of exercise, because dance doesn't feel like exercise but still burns the calories. It's fun, it's sociable, it's challenging and can be very sexy - all of the things that a lady loves, n'est pas?! The options below are only a scratch on the surface of the variety of dance classes on offer but a great cross-section for all tastes...
Street Dance
Street dance is no longer restricted to the street, those hip-hop funky moves can be learnt by all now in the comfort of a studio. This is the modern dance class for those who like to shake it up a little! It really challenges you physically and allows for you to improve your overall posture and confidence when it comes to dancing socially on a night out!
Salsa is brilliant for socialising and meeting new people. It's all about partnering up, swapping partners throughout the class session and learning together. It maybe not for the shy, but you do learn some very classy sashaying and for a lady whose maybe on the lookout for a date this is hot; for a guy - tell a lady you know how to salsa and she'll be putty in your hands!
Dance Aerobics
Dance aerobics is a workout for those who don't like to mess around and is not for the faint-hearted (no pun intended!) You'll really get your heart rate going but with the added bonus of doing all the exercises in time to music - warning: your instructor will drive you if they can see you flagging! These sessions are possibly best for those of you who like to really hit the ground running and perhaps maintain other forms of exercise during the week.
Tone Your Mind as well as Your Body: Yoga
Not only is yoga great for your strength and keeping you lean, it's fantastic for the soul! I know women who've done it for 20 years and more and they wouldn't stop doing it for the world. Someone once told me that she saw a sixty year old woman bend and flex so well and as a result it inspired her to be the same at that age!
Who says you have to be walking around with a zimmer frame and a dodgy hip by seventy?! If you start yoga now and maintain it for life, your body will thank you and reward you for it. Many people also do it for the sheer clear-out of negative energy that clogs their minds up (which in turn affects the body in multiple ways) and to keep a calm, positive outlook in the class and outside...!
If you're at all worried about the contortion and being able to push your body to those sorts of limits, you shouldn't be. Do ask around and get advice on teachers in your local area - see if you can get recommendations and why those people would recommend! A great yoga teacher will not push or punish but customise and assist, so that over time you get the knack and eventually achieve results.
Everyone learns and develops at different rates and the best teachers know this. Don't be afraid to muck in and have a go but learn that while your neighbour may be far more able than you, you will get it in time. If you can find classes that are divided into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced then even better.