... Well Happy Birthday to All That Glitters that is! Yes my blog is one year old today - hoorah!
It's such great timing too - what a way to celebrate it with a blog award but also more importantly a huge, big thank you to all of my followers and to those of you who leave comments and enjoy my scribblings!
Whilst I'm here celebrating the birthday joy I'm going to let you in on a surprise too: I've been thinking, planning and daydreaming away for a few weeks now about new ideas and directions in which to take my blog. As a result All That Glitters will be going through a dramatic overhaul very shortly - the full fruits of my labour should be all ready to see early next year during January/February time : )
Don't worry I'll still continue with all of the original content like makeup reviews and so on so you guys won't be losing out on that, but there will be further features added to those that currently run.
For now that is all I'm going to say because I don't want to give away too much (trust me, I'm fit to bursting to tell you all, but surprises are fun.) Needless to say I'm very excited and can't wait to share with you the new sparkly format that All That Glitters is going to take on!
Now over to you - is there anything you would like to see more of in my blog? More fashion? More makeup reviews? Let me know in the comments below.
*Blows out her Birthday Blog candles*
Just wanted to say happy bloggy birthday!!
Thank you Kate! : D It was a very happy bloggy birthday indeed : )
Amanda xxx
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