Very recently I stumbled upon an amazing website called The Glitter and The Gore. Quite simply it’s a make-up image archive, but that description really doesn’t do it justice. The site is described by the curators, as you’ll see, as a place featuring ‘high art make-up’ ranging from ‘glitter to gore’. For those of you who like your Special Effects make-up though, you may be a little disappointed as I’ve yet to see an image with ‘gore’ in it, such as wounds and zombie make-up for instance. It might be a bit misleading; however I’m not sure if the ‘gore’ is to be taken quite so literally!
The site is run by Gina Marr and those behind the blog ‘Creepyisascreepydoes’. Launched in April last year Gina et al scour the internet from top to bottom and corner to corner, managing to uncover the most amazing make-up artistry images – all incredible, all beautiful and many avante-garde and outlandish, they share these with all who love their make-up!
There is often at least one image added each day so on average your eyes get to feast on 30 new inspiring shots per month, if not far more. Further still if you click on each image for more information and for an expanded view, the images are always credited where possible or at the very least the source is given making sure that all those who work hard creating these stunning pieces of art are recognised!
The site’s a perfect encyclopaedia for all who love make-up, make-up artists, photographers, artists and beauty lovers alike! If you’re anything like me you could easily find yourself on here for hours just gawping at each image one by one and I certainly go on there now for my daily fix, excited about what new inspiration awaits round the corner.
Go see for yourself, what are you waiting for? theglitterandgore.tumblr.com
You can find Gina Marr on Twitter
Creepyisascreepydoes is another amazing source of great imagery, art and photography but with mostly a creepy twist (hence the title)! As a side note to warn you, this one’s not for the faint-hearted – I got a bit of surprise spook from one of the images on there today for example, but then I’m not great at coping with all horror imagery as my imagination gets a little carried away, ha!

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